Unlike most manufacturing processes which are wasteful in material, our timber is harvested from coppice of sweet chestnut and willow. grown especially for the making of hurdles, fencing and trugs. The trees are used according to demand; 2 to 3 years growth for walking sticks or hoops; 17 to 25 years growth for hurdles and fencing.

About Our Timber

Our wood is now sourced from our own wood here in Gloucestershire, where the more temperate climate is conducive to the growth of this species. The trees are initially planted in ranks some 3 metres apart and the infant saplings can grow up to 1.5 metres in their first year.

When eventually the trees are harvested the plantation does not wither but continues, for the following year up to 15 shoots will emerge from each tree, developing in time to form a cluster of healthy growth, thus dramatically increasing the density of the coppice.

There are many varieties of willow, the best being cricket bat’ willow or salix alba var. coerulea This species, as its’ common name implies is specially grown for the cricket bat trade - and, of course, our own that of trug making.